Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happiness for Crystal

It's the most wonderful time
of the year!!
And no I'm not talking about
Christmas. For me getting ready for
Halloween is the best time of year!
For my family it isn't the candy that gets
us excited, it's the costumes and
decorations that get us going.
Strange hey... not excited about CANDY!!!
Well the truth of the matter is Dale is the only 
one in the house that is a candy addict.
Before we moved here to the ranch when we
took the kids Trick or Treating they'd come
home with enough treats to satisfy 6 kids. 
But my kids not big candy eaters would have the junk
till the next year!
No joke. We'd get ready for the next Halloween
and come across a bag of last years candy.
So for us it's the fun parts of Halloween that
we love.
I have become addicted to these leaf bags!!
They are so much fun and spooky to boot!

So much so that when we go to town even the
kids hunt for them in stores.
Harder to come by out here than you'd think.
And with the large leafy trees in our yard they
are pretty handy.
I LOVE windsocks!
I'd have them up all the time .
There is lots more for me to put up, but the rest
I need Dales help to set up.
The inflatable ghost, lights, signs, bats!
Tickles me pink!
Have you started to decorate yet?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Another thanksgiving has came and went and we
are very thankful that our friends decided
to join us again this year.
Holidays are always more enjoyable
when you share them with family and friends.
And we are very lucky to have friends that are willing to 
drive 10hrs with 3 small children.
Now that's what you call a friend! Someone who'll
brave a loooong drive with their kids!!!
While they were here we ate! And boy didn't we EAT!
We made cookies, many meals and loads of snacks,
and when I say we I use the term loosely.
I mostly just supervised as my dear friend and husband
did all the hard work.
Thanks giving dinner had to have been the BIGGEST 
meal that we have ever shared together, and we've 
dined together many times.
Let's see there was...
Turkey of course,
I'm sure I'm forgetting stuff, but that's what was coming
to mind. Needless to say they're was loads of 
food, and soooo many left overs!
After dinner was cleaned up we were to play another
board game.... it didn't happen and this is why...

Sorry, I know I'm gonna catch trouble for posting these but I couldn't 
have stopped myself even if I wanted to!

It was a great visit and a wonderful time, even if it made me 
a little more home sick than I was already 
feeling, but differently worth it!
Hope everyone else had as great a weekend
as we did!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Good times with the family.

So I guess it's time to play catch
up on your blogging!!

I've found it hard this past few months
to keep up to date with my blog.
But now that I have finished work
here on the ranch it should be a bit
easier. (hahaha)

So here are a few of the things that have
happened in the last two months.
( a couple of stud muffins)

We took a mini vacation on the labor day
weekend, ended up at the beach in
Penticton. We had a wonderful time and
plan on going again next year.
(water baby)
Dale was given a hand made canoe to finish.
It should be nice when he's done.
Then he plans to try and build one himself.
Our kitten has finally taken the big step 
outside. Much to the heartbreak of my son.
It was hard to get him to understand that he'd be
a happier cat if he could go outside.
All Darby could think about was the last cat
that went out never came back.
So we cried together for a bit over Zeus and
let Moon go out.
Secretly the damn creature was heading
out the door one way or another!! He was 
driving me NUTS!!
Our 8m old puppy has gotten fixed.
I know what a brute!! And still only a puppy!
He's going to be a monster when he's done growing.
The kids wanted to hook him up to the satellite dish
and see if we got better reception. 
The cone lasted a total of two days before he and 
Bullseye had destroyed it. He was like a one dog 
wreaking team with that thing on anyways.

So that's about it for now.
I'm going to really try and make the 
effort to keep my blog as up to date 
as possible.
Hope everyone had a great summer!

Working out!!

Well it's been a busy September!
And now it's October!!!
Crazy, where does the time go???

I know it's been awhile since I made a
post about my weight progress so 
here goes...

Start weight 192lbs
Current weight 165lbs
Total loss 27lbs

I'm happy with that. To be honest I have
weighed myself the last two months
but felt that there wasn't much
change. I guess I plateaued? Which is
good and bad, now I'll actually have to make
an effort to keep the weight off and/or lose
more. And that SUCKS!!!
Oh well... I have dropped a pants size, now wearing a 13/14.
And I can get my wedding band on... but it's still to tight
to wear comfortably. All in time I guess.